To be a leader of sportswear manufacturer, create more values for sports brands

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What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) for sportswear?

What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) for sportswear?

Update Time:2024/1/22
Our minimum order quantity is just 100 pieces per design for sports apparel companies and brands around the world.mixed with 1 color and 4 sizes to meet the needs of more new and old customers and combine our own production. 
In this way, they can market their unique designs and start a company with their designs.

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HUCAI is a supplier specializing in the design, customization and production of men's sportswear. Our design team is creative and inspirational, and we believe that our ability to design and master the latest market trends can provide you with the latest design and category solutions that can provide a better boost to your brand value. We welcome inquiries from brands, netizens and fitness bloggers, and we look forward to working with you!To get free samples or more discounted offers, please do not hesitate to write down your request! We can achieve greater success together!
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